120 €
3-Rays-Meditation: Heart Chakra
Forgiveness and self-forgiveness at the highest level!
You want world peace? Then start in your heart! 
You can never forgive enough. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting. Forgiveness means: completing an old healing cycle. Letting go of something you don't need, clearing the way for new, happy relationships and real happiness in the present.
Cleanse and vitalize your heart chakra
  • Meditation Basics 
  • Initiation into the basic level of the Three Rays Meditation Kanseya Shaynar 
  • Clearings for your Heart Chakra 
  • Typical misunderstandings about Meditation
  • Typical mistakes and how to avoid them 
  • Tips & Tricks

An absolute highlight! 

However, it does not replace the diagnosis or therapy by a doctor.

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  • Gesamtzahlung
  • 1x3-Rays-Meditation: Heart Chakra€100.84

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